Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate

Exfoliation keeps skin summer-ready, but it’s just as important for radiant skin in the fall. Indoor heat, as well as dry air and brisk wind can wreck havoc on your skin. As with other fall-friendly skincare products, your exfoliating products should be kind to dry skin and help it retain its moisture.  Exfoliation not only helps your skin care products work better, they help your makeup apply more beautifully. Oil-based body scrubs gently remove old skin cells without stripping skin of its moisture. Remember not to skip your feet just because it isn’t sandal season anymore! They now need extra exfoliation when they’re tucked into your boots and Wellies.


Sunblock Is Still A Must

Whether it’s a clear Autumn day or a gray one, your skin still needs protection from damaging ultraviolet rays. Choose a physical sunscreen for everyday wear in the fall.


Baby Yourself

Switch from harsh soaps that strip your skin to moisture-rich cream-based cleansers or gentle foaming washes. If your skin is particularly dry, look for sulfate-free body washes that cleanse thoroughly without drying. Follow up with a rich body butter and pay extra attention to dry areas such as feet, knees, and elbows.


Oil Is Good

Chia can moisturize your skin from the inside. Since it is rich in vital Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) it can do wonders for your overall health. It is available in oils, seeds, as well as in capsule form.


H2O Is the Way To Go

Super hydrate. By drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day. Staying hydrated will keep your skin moisturized and boost the skin’s immune system while preserving and restoring its natural glow. Properly hydrating effectively eliminates toxins and can boost energy levels. Remember to have an extra glass of water for every glass of alcohol or cup of coffee you drink.